Me Quest 

Starting February 28

What is the training about?

  • True Knowledge and Acceptance of Your Self
  • Confidence without Selfishness
  • Unique Light inside each of us  - what is yours?
  • Benefits of this Light - for our Love, Family, Money, Health, Body, Beauty, and Meaning of Life

Standard Package    : 4200 INR

Package Includes

  • 10 lectures with life long access
  • 80 optional exercises
  • Bonus materials -inspiring movies and books
  • Chat support group
  • Curators to answer your questions ( 1 Month Support)
  • Bonus meditations

Content of the training

How this training is structured
How to complete it to benefit most
Warm-Up exercises
Lecture 1: Hello, Me!              
  • Why we need to love ourselves
  • Difference with selfishness
  • Whom to blame
  • Where to start
Lecture 2: Me and My Body
  • Body as our best friend.
  • How to accept “imperfections”
  • Do we need to fight diseases?
  • Revive your sexuality
  • How to hear and nourish your body
Lecture 3: Me and My Beauty
  • What is beauty, and what makes me special
  • What people will love in me.
  • Do we need to meet standards of beauty.
  • How to find your images and style
  • Shortcomings or strengths
  • How to love everything in yourself ?
Lecture 4: Me and My inner child
  • Who is he or she, our inner child
  • Why do we need them
  • Where we left them
  • Where to find them again
  • How to establish the bond
  • What you can gain from your bond
  • How to never loose them again
Lecture 5: Me and People
  • Karma or choice?
  • About him to care first
  • How to choose your tribe
  • How to become confident
  • “Good Girl”/”Good Boy” syndrome
  • Balance between need and want
  • Conflict resolutions
Lecture 6: Me and Love
  • How to select your life partners
  • How to accept love and recieve gifts
  • How not to loose yourself in love
  • The art of independency
  • Building boundaries with most loved
Lecture 7: Me and God / Universe / Soul
  • Who I am in this world
  • How to heal the fear
  • Does Universe and me want the same?
  • Who is responsible for my destiny
  • What is against us reaching to true self?
  • How to achieve that elusive zen.
Lecture 8: Me and Wealth
  • May I want money and wealth?
  • Allow yourself to HAVE
  • Reasonable money management vs. Greed
  • Which talent will bring me money ?
  • Who is receiving wealth and fame ?
  • What to do next for my wealth.
Lecture 9: Conclusion
  • How to avoid setbacks after the training
  • What are the next steps
  • Most important highlights of the training
  • Prayer to love yourself.
  • Questions and Answers
Check these review pages on Instagram
Continue Journey With Kat……..

About Katerina

  • 10+ years of continuous Astrological practice
  • 25K+ Happy clients from around the world
  • Founder of “Astrology Academy”
  • Transformational Trainings for personal Growth eg Dream with Kat, Abundance Queat, Body deeper and Effect of Kat


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