Good Girl – it is the one who is deserving love, money and attention with her obedience, nice-ness, ability to adjust to opinions and orders of others. She is working a lotm serving others and sacrificing herself, and her desires and preferences. She is convinced that this is Love is – forget about Yourself, and -put priority on her Loved Ones. She is quickly becoming disappointed when these ungrateful people though, don’t see, don’t appreciate her sacrifices, and don’t thank her for it. And this elusive love, respect, attention and money, still not flowing to her, regardless of how many sacrifices she is making.
Good Girl did not learn to accept great things from the world, as a return, because she feels she did not give enough just yet. She is also not accepting herself here and now. Seems like more and more work and service is required, to be even, Better Girl.
Sounds familiar?
If you recognized yourself in this description, it means your main distortion is - Good Girl.
Any distortion does not allow us live the life in happiness, and receive what we want We can heal any distortion by noticing it and changing the mindset. Lectures from this ppackage will help exit the Good Girl distortion and come back to pure Inner Child + Inner Adult state
“I do not OWE anything to anyone! The Art of simply EXISTING” (June 2023)
Two simple words “I exist” – have tremendous depth, This is the foundation of life, happiness and … realization! We want to GIVE to the world so badly so we forget, that first we need something to give, and for that, we need to give to ourselves. When our battery is at zero, without Energy and strength, impossible to achieve anything. I EXIST – this is the life philosophy with many levels. In this lecture we discuss how to make it practical actons, to use for our growth.
World Loves Me as I am. How to stop deserving love (March 2023)
This lecture literally hugs you with unconditional love, and allows you to see love in everything, in every person, in every situation, in every event (even what seems negative). World gives us not what we want, but what we truly need, and what is really, good for us. We are loved by this World every second. During this lecture, you will learn to accept love in any package, and understand why it came to you like this. Of course we need to balance between acceptance and “tolerating too much”, so we focus on this too.
Allow Yourself not to be Ideal (October 2023)
Absolutely every one of us felt the moment of unhappiness about self. In such moment we judge ourselves according to some social metrics. And to correct this situation, trying to work on this heavy feeling that something is not right with me. Hard work, push – helps for a while. Or “positive thinking” and affirmations”. And then we step in front of more people again, catch the nagging feeling that we are not good enough in something. Instead of suffering from it, we can turn it into our strength. Transfer pain into power, and unpack our “non-ideal self” as a luxurious present. That’s what we do in this lecture.
State of the Child: I am with eyes of God (November 2022)
This lecture opens the main idea of our Inner Child + Inner Adult (inner God), in such a way that you have never heard before. It helps us remember this pure state. We differenciate what is True Child, and what are distortions of Good Girl and Infantile. And we discuss the strategy how to exist from distorted roles. In Meditation that follows, we will unppeal heavy emotions as layers of the onion, to reach to Inner Child state This technique will become yor daily tool to come back to easy pure state.
Acceptance of Self and the World (April 2022)
This lecture holds the main 4 magical words that will sve you years of your life. To reach to them, I had to spend decades in countries I did not like, working jobs I did not enjoy Tis-phrase will become your lighthouse in absolutely any life situation. We will discuss why we cnnot accept ourselves without accepting the world, find pillar of support intise, and stop seeking support in others.