How often inside you comes a strong desire to CHANGE other people, and you feel that you for sure, know better how they should live? Possible you notice that you often criticize others, establish strict control over them, to make sure they do everything “right”, which is only you are the judge of? You also might notice how unhappy you are very often, with a lot of things happening around you, and in yourself too. You feel, these people, these situations, this work, should have been done, “BETTER”, and that makes you do lots of hectic, non-efficient actions, that we also sometimes call “, micromanagement.
Also notice perhaps this trait comes only with specific people. For example, you might be a Controller with your kids, and totally “Good Girl” and softie with other people outside of the family? Or Controller with Money, while jello with your health?
In such moment, you feel the distortion what we call “Hectic Controller”. Exactly she, the distorted version of yourself, knows everything better, and can do everything better, and does so so much, unfortunately without much results.
Every distortion does not allow is to show our true and pure self. And does not allow us to get desired results. We can of course use specific techniques to calm down this Inner Controller, and actually find the ways to do less, in more paced, non-hectic way, without driving other people crazy and – and with MORE RESULTS.
Materials from this package help you exit the Hectic Controller distortion and come back to pure duality of Inner Child + Inner Adult (inner God).
Manage thoughts and fears: state of Quietness
(June 2023)
Daily non-stop flow of thoughts in the head, from morning to evening, it is draining so much Energy from us. We could have used this energy for something wonderful. Most of these thoughts are absolutely useless, and only create mental chaos and fears. But you know, we can live very differently ! In the state of Inner Quietness. This can help save the energy resources for something really important – for our actions. During this lecture you find out, which thoughts are really, we learn to differentiate useless thoughts from ideas, and learn techniques how quickly and effectively switch off the thoughts whirpool in the moment, and for the long term too.
Pure Acceptance of the World
(August 2022)
This lecture is like instruction manual with 9 steps, to accept absolutely every life situation. During the lecture you get deep insights and understanding what acceptance means, and what is the fundamental meaning of it. This knowledge is necessary to each one of us, it helps to stop fighting the external situations and in the same time, this knowledge is the key to next best step.
Love and Care without pushing too much
(October 2022)
This session is about using your Inner Adult, your Inner God, to help other people, but without becoming too much, controlling, pushing and rescuing them, beyond of what they really need. This lecture is divided into categories of people important for each one of us: our Children, Parents, Spouse, Friends, Colleagues and even neighbors and strangers on the street. Very often in our days people feel lonely, even when being around loved ones of friends. Because loneliness is not when you are far apart, but when you cannot feel others, and feeling frustrated and hopeless without understanding how to fix it. This lecture will teach us to create WE, the Bond, connection with others, from the position of Inner Adult.
Isolation from the World, Fight with the World
(April 2022)
In this lecture we take detailed view into two channels, where we interact with other people. We will draw the chart that became famous helping us explain many issues in our life related to people. We will also conclude with universal formula for actions, to stop feeling isolated, disconnected from other people and society, even for most introverts among us. As usual in our lecture, we take very unexpected approach and viewpoint, so see all our interactions with people inside and outside of the family in a different prism. And we conclude with many insights and simple next steps to use for improvement in our relationships.
Butterfly Formula: 9 steps to allow yourself everything, and select the best
(October 2023)
Butterfly Formula – this is the foundation of your sincere calmness, that elusive mental peace, without emotional ups and downs, from uncontrollable euphoria down to hopeless disappointment. Ability to see in advance and accept in advance all possible variants of the future, actually allows us to independently select the best one, and drive ourselves there. After this lecture you learn to immediately remove useless anxieties and worries about the future, with the great power of acceptance.