Duration: 2 hours

Fee: 3400 INR

This workshop is perfect for you if:

  • You are concerned that your plans on 2024 will not happen because of external situations.
  • Want to understand upcoming positive and negative trends, to plan your important events and neutralize the risks
  • You don’t have any knowledge of astrology, but curious to understand how exactly it sees the future events

During the workshop, you will enjoy clear and understandable explanation,live demonstration of cool astrology tools,and receive the easy summary of upcoming 12 months with all trends highlighted and explained.


  • Summarize big events of 2023
  • Forecast the Astrological trends for 2024
  • Discuss base techniques what to do, to neutralize the risks

Your Speaker during the Workshop:

Katerina Folkman

  • Western Astrologist and Coach
  • 10+ years of continuous Astrological practice
  • Thousands of happy clients from around the world
  • Founder of “Astrology Academy”

PLEASE NOTE That you do not require any Astrology knowledge for this workshop. See how well it worked for similar events before: